Health & Wellness

Dulce Independent Schools Wellness Policy
Objective: The formation of a quality wellness policy is the result of an intentional, thoughtful process that supports a learning environment in which students meet their academic potential and develop habits for lifelong health.
Developing and maintaining a Wellness Policy meets the Public Education Department Wellness Policy rule NMAC 6.12.6.
An approved Wellness Policy also meets the requirements of section 204 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act), Public Law 111296, which added Section 9A to the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (NSLA) (42 U.S. Code § 1758b
1.1 Dulce Independent School's Wellness Policy is completed following Federal 7 C.F.R pts 210 and 220 and PED NMAC The policy ensures compliance with federal and state statute.
1.2 Dulce Independent Schools has established a School Health Advisory Committee. The SHAC is comprised of school administration, school staff, food service management, parents, and a community member.
Student Health Forms
Please note: if your student has one of the below conditions or needs medication during the school day, please have your provider fill out the appropriate form and return the completed form to the school health office. Each form should be signed by both the parent/guardian and the provider.
NEW Medication and Procedure Authorization Form
Have questions? Please contact our District Nurse:
Carrie Emens, RN, BSN
Guidelines for helping an ill or injured student when the school nurse is not available (download by "clicking" below)